To be there for someone during a time of simcha takes almost no effort at all; but to be there fore someone– and I mean really be there for someone, like so many were there for us - in a time of pain, shows that you are more than just a friend; you are a member of the family. You may not be related to me by blood like Pesha Leah was; yet you are related to me by something far more important in my eyes: your actions. So many people really showed me what is so unique about Klall Yisroel: they are willing to anything for someone in need, even if they don’t really know them.
I’d like to take this time to thank just a handful of my siblings for all that they did:
- Rabbi M.M.M. Lieblich for breaking the news to me in the most appropriate way
- Yochonon Katz & Mendel Ivry for spending the day with me until my parents came in, it really means a lot to me
- All of my classmates in Hamesivta for understanding what I was going through and being there for me
- The Teller, Gorowitz, & Hershkowitz families as well as Chanan Nocks for opening up your homes to us during shiva, you have no idea what it means to us
- The Zeichner’s for all that you guys did for us - there are no words to begin thanking you, may Hashem truly reward you in both worlds
- The Eidelman, Zeichner, Lerman, & Wall families and Chanan Nocks for opening up your homes to me throughout the year, making known to me that no matter what I still have family in Crown Heights
- Elisheva Goldzweig, Chanie Zeichner, and everyone else who helped by the Shloshim
- Everyone who prepared meals and truly went out of your way for us during shiva
- Zelig Krymko for your unconditional support eventhough u hardly know me, let alone any other members of my family
- The Rosenberg & Docks families for constantly being there for years already - if I didn't realize you were family before, I realize it now
- Every single person at YNS/Trocki Hebrew Acadamy for - without realizing it - you all allowed me to grow from this and overcome this test each day
Pesha Leah lived her life for Achdus, and it all showed in her passing, when everyone was truly there for me and my family.
Klall Yisroel is one big family, and I am proud to be member of it!
Thank you to everyone who was or was not mentioned, you all really showed me that there are no friends - only family. A family that cares.
May the Neshamah of Pesha leah bas Chaim Leibel - Nifter on 21 Teves, 5770 - rejoin our Unity Family today!
May the Neshamah of Avrohom Dovid ben Shneur Zalman - Nifter 21 Teves, 5770 - rejoin our Unity Family today!