Sunday, December 26, 2010

One Big Family! -- ה‘ נותן וה‘ לוקח – G-d gives, and G-d Takes

There is a Passuk that states: “Hashem gives and Hashem takes back”. I myself saw the meaning of this Passuk one year ago. However within an hour of receiving the news of Pesha Leah’s passing, I saw that it works the other way around as well: ה‘ לוקח וה‘ נותן– When G-d takes, He gives back. Hakodosh Baruch Hu took one of my siblings from me, yet at the same time He gave me back a few hundred more. To whom am I referring to? I’m referring to every single person who was there for me and my family during our time of pain and suffering.
                 To be there for someone during a time of simcha takes almost no effort at all; but to be there fore someone– and I mean really be there for someone, like so many were there for us - in a time of pain, shows that you are more than just a friend; you are a member of the family. You may not be related to me by blood like Pesha Leah was; yet you are related to me by something far more important in my eyes: your actions. So many people really showed me what is so unique about Klall Yisroel: they are willing to anything for someone in need, even if they don’t really know them.
                 I’d like to take this time to thank just a handful of my siblings for all that they did:
  • Rabbi M.M.M. Lieblich for breaking the news to me in the most appropriate way
  • Yochonon Katz & Mendel Ivry for spending the day with me until my parents came in, it really means a lot to me
  • All of my classmates in Hamesivta for understanding what I was going through and being there for me
  • The Teller, Gorowitz, & Hershkowitz families as well as Chanan Nocks for opening up your homes to us during shiva, you have no idea what it means to us
  • The Zeichner’s for all that you guys did for us - there are no words to begin thanking you, may Hashem truly reward you in both worlds
  • The Eidelman, Zeichner, Lerman, & Wall families and Chanan Nocks for opening up your homes to me throughout the year, making known to me that no matter what I still have family in Crown Heights
  • Elisheva Goldzweig, Chanie Zeichner, and everyone else who helped by the Shloshim
  • Everyone who prepared meals and truly went out of your way for us during shiva
  • Zelig Krymko for your unconditional support eventhough u hardly know me, let alone any other members of my family
  • The Rosenberg & Docks families for constantly being there for years already - if I didn't realize you were family before, I realize it now
  • Every single person at YNS/Trocki Hebrew Acadamy for - without realizing it - you all allowed me to grow from this and overcome this test each day
                   I know that everyone falls now and then in their Emunah, but what makes me get up even though I know I’m going to fall again is my family. I know that in time of success they are there for me; and that in times of failure and falling they are there for me more than ever.
Pesha Leah lived her life for Achdus, and it all showed in her passing, when everyone was truly there for me and my family.
                 Klall Yisroel is one big family, and I am proud to be member of it!
                Thank you to everyone who was or was not mentioned, you all really showed me that there are no friends - only family. A family that cares.
                  May the Neshamah of Pesha leah bas Chaim Leibel - Nifter on 21 Teves, 5770 - rejoin our Unity Family today!
            May the Neshamah of Avrohom Dovid ben Shneur Zalman - Nifter 21 Teves, 5770 - rejoin our Unity Family today!

Monday, December 13, 2010

I Lost A Sister, A Friend & A Mentor All At Once

Eleven and a half months ago, Someone was taken from this world. That Someone lived twenty-three beautiful, fulfilling years.
That Someone was my Sister.
We fought, argued, laughed, played, cried, sang, and learnt together.
That Someone was my Friend.
Was always there for me, willing to do whatever necessary to help me whenever possible.

That Someone was my Mentor.
Inspired me; taught me right from wrong, the basics and meaning of Chassidus - Chabad. That Someone taught me about the Rabbeim and the Bar - Mitzvah Maamer, as well as what it means to be a true chossid of the Rebbe.

That Someone will forever be in my heart.

That Someone will be helping and guiding me more now than ever before; giving me the courage and strength to continue on.

That Someone is irreplaceable.

That Someone is a true Tzadekess in every meaning of the word.

That Someone is Pesha Leah (bas Chaim Leibel) Azoulay - Roetter

May the Neshamah of Pesha Leah bas Chaim Leibel have a complete aliyah!
May we all be reunited with her right away!

Pesha may not physically here- but spiritually she is here more than ever...
Pesha may not physically be here- but spiritually she is here more than ever...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hashem, Ad Mosai??

T.T.T.O. Ayom V'Norah - Miami Boys Choir-Yavoh

This song is dedicated in tribute to all of the recent tragedies Klall Yisroel has been receiving these past few years.

Hashem, why have you
made so many tragedies
these past few years,
for Klall Yisroel??
Hashem you make
so many tests of faith.
And then you wonder
why we fail!!
You have taken,
only the very best.
And then you wonder why
we have no one to guide us?!
Chorus #1 (x2):
Ad Mosai, Ad Mosai,
Until When?
Ad Mosai, Ad Mosai,
Please stop all of this!
Bring the Geulah
right away!
And stop all of this horrible, pointless pain!
{End of Chorus #1}
Why do you make it
so very difficult?
When will you reveal
your eternal plan??
Does this really
make it better for you;
the fact that we suffer
because we're Jews??
Oh why do you do this?
Is it really so necessary?
Why cant you just bring
Moshiach already?!
Chorus #1
Chorus #2:
So Hashem,
please we beg:
Stop all of this,
right away!
Turn these tragedies,
into Simcha!
Bring Moshiach
right away!
Right away!
{End of Chorus #2}
Please let us dance
with Moshiach today!
Let your glory fill the world;
Not with sadness,
but with JOY!!
Chorus #1
Chorus #2
Ad Mosai,
Until When?

Even A Kid Can Teach

T.T.T.O. Ashreinu – Avraham Fried

Dedicated to my “nephew” Yossi Zeichner, Who taught me more than he may ever realize... and in honor of his Upsherin

Yossi, when I first met you,
I really didn't care to.
Bur now, almost three years later,
I'm really glad I did!

You taught me
So many
important things about life.
And the true meaning
Of גם זו ל'טובה !

Chorus (x2):
איזהו חכם, הלומד מכל האדם.
Even from a little kid,
You can learn so much.

And when I,
Watch you do sit-ups and exercises,
I learn what it means
To really never give up!

You taught me,
How to really have אמונה in ה'.
And that
You will
always succeed in the end.


Just by,
Looking at you grow,
So very quickly;
I learnt, so much,
About being a Jew!!

You taught me,
How to see,
Only good.
And because,
Of all of this,
I really got attached to you!!!


May you,
Grow big and strong!
And you will
any obstacle you may encounter!!

Because you have,
Such a gift,
Of teaching others:
What it means to
Really be fortunate about what you have!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm Still Waiting To See...

T.T.T.O. Avinu Malkainu - Avraham Fried

It's been so long now,
And I'm still waiting to see.
To the return to Yerushalayim,
And the Mikdosh Hashlishi.

To hear the shofar blast,
And the anointing of our king.
The bringing of karbanos,
Is what I wish to see!

I want to see the resurrection,
When our loved ones will return.
When Moshe Rabbainu will lead us, once more.
No more for Geulah, do I wish to yearn!!

I wish to see the reward for learning,
What we get when we do a good deed.
The holy Shechina coming down to this lowly earth.
For all of this (and so much more) I'm still waiting to see.

Dear G-d,
Please make Klall Yisroel wait

Gam Zu L'Tovah

T.T.T.O. Niggun Hisvaados - Avraham Fried (Niggun Habesht)
Dedicated to all those who have difficulty seeing the good in life

(Published by on November 3, 2010 - under the title "The Good Will Soon Rise")

He's torn apart,
Deep inside.
He doesn't know which way to turn.
He has mixed emotions,
About this life of his.

Buried deep inside of him,
He has two equally different beliefs.
To follow either one,
He doesn't know if he should.

He goes to ask,
His Rabbi,
Yet he can't,
Bring himself,
To form the words,
So he just sits there,
Trying to find a peace of mind.

The Rabbi gets the message,
And the man feels,
A boulder leaving his heart.

He may have not received,
An answer to his questions.
Yet he did,
The strength to believe.

He now understands,
That you must,
Thank Hashem,
For every single thing.
For the good,
For the good, as well as the bad!

He realizes now,
That he doesn't need to,
Understand "Why?"
He just needs to believe.

Believe that the good will soon rise!!

I Remember.... Do You?

T.T.T.O Ani Maamin-Avraham Fried
Dedicated to all the amazing times I had with you, Pesha, this past year.

As I gaze upon a picture of you,
I remember days,
Gone not so long ago.
I remember helping,
Clean the house for Shabbos.
And who can forget,
The chase for salmon gefilte fish??
Cleaning chicken,
And making meat-sauce.
With a secret ingredient:
Garfield comics!
polishing the candlesticks,
And baking cakes; with our hands.
And we mustn't leave out
Scrambled eggs for supper,
And pizza after kaparos!!
Shabbos at the Eidelman's,
Simchas Bais Hashoavah
On Kingston Ave.
And of course,
Simchas Torah lunch!!

Oh what a blast we we're having,
And then it came to a crashing end....
Oh why did it have to be this way?
With the coming of Moshiach,
It will be like it never ended.

May it happen before the end of this very day!!!
Ani mammon be'emunah shelimah,
Bevias ha'moshiach,
Bevias ha'moshiach,
Ani maamin!!!
Simchas Beis Hashoavah 5770
This is the last picture of Pesha & I (that i am aware of)
Simchas Beis Hashoavah 5770
The last picture of Pesha & I together

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Shabbos Candles

Shabbos - True Happiness
Shabbos - True Happiness
As I gaze unto the light,
Of the שבת Candles.
I see them slowly flickering.
As I look deep inside them,
I see the most wondrous things!

I see you,
Gazing, smiling, contently on me!
I see a world of truth and peace.
I see myself surrounded by friends and family.
I see the most wondrous things!

I see the גאולה,
It seems so very near.
I see the Rebbe,
Smiling upon me!
Oh’ I do see the most wondrous things!

As I bathe,
In the warm glow,
Of the light;
I feel so happy.
And I gaze upon my friends,
And smile.

I feel like a million,
On this Friday night!
Nothing can change it,
Because I have my light!

And then,
When they flicker out;
I do realize:
I don’t physically need them,
As long as they are inside of me,
Their message will last for eternity!!

It is then that I smile,
And laugh inside.
As I realize:
How lucky I am!

I have people who love me,
And want me only to grow.
And that’s when I get the courage,
To try again.

As I bathe,
In the warm glow,
Of the light;
I feel so happy.
And I gaze upon my friends
And smile.

I feel like a million,
On this Friday night!
Nothing can change it,
Because I have my light!

It is when I gaze unto my שבת lights,
That I do feel and see the most wondrous things!!
And they do last forever, forever and eternity!!
It’s MY שבת lights!!!
Yes, it is MY, My שבת lights!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

He's Here!

T.T.T.O Niggun HaBaal Shem Tov
Sh! Listen!
Do you hear what I do?
I hear a shofar blast,
And it’s getting louder by the minute!

He’s finally here,
After so many years!
משיח צדקינו!
Let’s go greet him right away!

משיח צדקינו, welcome!
We’ve been waiting for you each and every day!
אברהם and יצחק, and יעקוב אבינו,
It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!

All of our loved ones,
Will come back to life.
Let us go right now,
To ירושלים הבנויה together!

Finally, after all these years of exile.
After all the bloodshed and persecution.
He’s finally arrived at our door.
Let’s all go now to the בית המקדש.

Let’s offer our thanks,
To the One Above,
For this beautiful miracle.
This time he has really shown his love!

Where Is It?!

T.T.T.O Ka'ayol Taarog
This world isn’t,
What I thought it would be.
Cruelty, death, gore, and persecution;
So much of it I do see.

There’s blood flowing,
In the words of our history past.
From the beginning of time,
We’ve been attacked.

Where’s the world of peace,
That’s been told of for so many years?
What will it take to get it,
Why do you want so many tears??

The world of perfection,
Is what I want to see.
Your שחינה should be coming down to earth.
I want משיח to be greeting me!!

Ever since the destruction
Of the בית המקדש,
Every word of redemption,
You just seem to hush.

Well, I’m sick of this exile.
I want it no more!
I want to be able to bring you קרבנות.
משיח, just walk through the front door!!

Where’s the world of peace,
That’s been told of for so many years?
What will it take to get it,
Why do you want so many tears??

The world of perfection,
Is what I want to see.
Your שחינה should be coming down to earth.
I want משיח to be greeting me!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Crossroads In My Life - Every Jew Has A Spiritual G.P.S.

Oh’ where should I go?
Oh’ what should I do?
Who can I turn to if not you?
I need help from you so.

I am so lost, completely alone.
Should I go right,
Or left?
Or maybe straight through?

I don’t have any gas,
You didn’t give me enough.
My G.P.S. is now broken,
And my car battery is drained.

I have no phone service,
I can’t find my way home.
I’m lost on the side of the road.
I must now continue on my own.

I trek down the road,
For miles on end.
Twisting and turning,
Hoping I’m going the right way.

There’s no one around to help,
The streets are completely deserted.
Finally I see a glimmer of hope,
By way of a familiar street sign.

Turns out I was going,
The right way after all.
Finally I made my way home,
To the safety of my four walls.
This story is just a parable,
A lesson that needs to be learnt.
It teaches us,
That we really aren’t alone.

Someone is guiding our footsteps,
Making sure we go on the right path.
Someone is testing us,
To see if we will give up in despair; or not.

The man in our story is the Jewish Nation,
The person leading us is G-d.
He is telling us:
Even when you think I’m not there; I really am.

He’s hiding; yet helping.
We must always keep this in mind.
No matter what we may do, or how hard we may try,
We’ll find our way back with only his help.

Because there is someone above,
Who cares about our well-being.
He tests us though,
To see if we really believe in him.

But no matter what,
He’ll help us find the right path.
It may be long and hard,
But we must never give up hope.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Missing Link

 א‘ דרוש חודש אייר התש‘‘ע
Three months and ten days ago, a link was taken from the everlasting chain of the Jewish people. The name of this link: Pesha Leah Azoulay—Roetter.
             This link wasn't your ordinary link. It was unique. If Pesha Leah saw another link in the process of snapping in two; she would right away grasp that link, and attach it to her own.  Pesha’s link, we all thought, was indestructible; that it was solid steel. But now it’s gone! Gone, leaving hundreds of links floating around with nothing to attach themselves to.

Pesha’s link was what brought together hundreds upon hundreds of lost links and attached them to הקדוש ברוך הוא. Now, being that ה‘ broke off Link Pesha Leah, many links, more than ever before, are floating around; lost with no protection.

But we must keep in mind a promise and trust that we remind ה‘ of 3-4 times each day. Everyday we say in davening: מכלכל חיים בחסד—He sustains the living with loving kindness….. ומקים אמונתו לישני עפר—and He fulfills His trust to those who sleep in the dust… ונאמן אתה להחיות מתים—You are trustworthy to revive the dead…. ברוך אתה ה‘ מחיה המתים—Blessed are you G-d who revives the dead.

So, not only do we believe that He will revive the dead; but that He will help the living. He will help all those lost links attach themselves back. And He will help them overcome this test of faith.

May we merit the fulfillment of the end of the verse as well, the promise of the Resurrection of the Dead. This way those lost links can once again attach themselves to Link Pesha Leah, who will be attached to Link Moshiach. May this happen right now, אמן סלה!

May the Neshamah of Pesha Leah bas Chaim Leibel have a complete aliyah!
May all of those lost links reconnect to Hashem’s chain immediately!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Connection Is Never Lost

T.T.T.O Ashrainu - Avraham Fried
Dedicated in honor of anyone who may have any questions on G-dDearest G-d in Heaven,
You are my father.
Dearest G-d in Heaven,
I am your son.

You are supposed to be with me,
Whenever I desire.
From the moment that I am born,
Till the moment that I expire!

And yet, and yet sometimes it seems to me,
That you just leave me be.
Sometimes it seems like you are really not here,
And in fact completely elsewhere!

 *,אשרינו אשרינו אשרינו מה טוב חלקנו
Where are you when I really need you?!
ומה נעים, ומה נעים גורלנו,
Who can I turn to if not you??
ומה יפה, יפה, יפה, יפה ירושתנו,
Oh’ what should I do?

You give me so many hard tests,
That I hardly have time to rest.
My life is a crazy roller coaster, on which I am riding.
If only you would please stop hiding!!

I don’t have the strength that I do need,
To pass this horrible decree.
I need help from Above,
From my father in Heaven, whose son He does love.

So please, let me know,
Where are you when I need you so?
You are supposed to always be there,
For your child, if you really care.

 *,אשרינו אשרינו אשרינו מה טוב חלקנו
Where are you when I really need you?!
ומה נעים, ומה נעים גורלנו,
Who can I turn to if not you??
ומה יפה, יפה, יפה, יפה ירושתנו,
Oh’ what should I do?

But really I know this is not true,
This is something you would never do.
Because you are Hashem who,
Would never forsake a Jew.

There is a certain connection,
That we have in our possession.
There is a special love we have, oh’ yes we do!
It connects us to הקדוש ברוך הוא.

Now, I know,
That you were really helping me.
You had me on your shoulders,
This I now clearly see.

 *,אשרינו אשרינו אשרינו מה טוב חלקנו
How fortunate are we that we are Jews.
ומה נעים, ומה נעים גורלנו,
That we are always connected to you.
ומה יפה, יפה, יפה, יפה ירושתנו,
No matter what we may do!

There is nothing more to say,
You’re with us every single day.
Even for a moment, you never leave us,
To find you, we don’t need to take a bus.

You never leave us at all,
You never ever let us fall.
And even when we do,
You bring us right back up to you!

And so, being that we are your daughters and sons,
Our connection to you is never really done.
So, yes I now truly know,
That you do love us so.

 *,אשרינו אשרינו אשרינו מה טוב חלקנו
How fortunate are we that we are Jews.
ומה נעים, ומה נעים גורלנו,
That we are always connected to you.
ומה יפה, יפה, יפה, יפה ירושתנו,
No matter what we may do!

 *,אשרינו אשרינו אשרינו מה טוב חלקנו
How fortunate am I that I am a Jew.
ומה נעים, ומה נעים גורלנו,
That I am always connected to you.
ומה יפה, יפה, יפה, יפה ירושתנו,
No matter what I may do!

אשרינו מה טוב חלקנו—Fortunate are we! How good is our portion!
ומה נעים גורלנו—How pleasant is our lot!
ומה יפה ירושתנו—How beautiful is our heritage!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Outside My Window

I look outside my window,
And what do I see?
I see a slightly cloudy sky,
And a bird perched on a tree.

I see tall buildings,
And trees gone bare with time.
I see cars and people,
And parking meters that you wished cost only a dime.

I see a sun starting to set,
It rose in the east;but now it’s going down west.

I see houses and I see a bike,
I see a couple enjoying a breeze that everyone does like.

Cars zoom by,
Not knowing what they are missing.
While I gaze contently,
A breath-taking view my eyes are now taking.

G-d painted a picture for us,
Whether Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer.
To zoom right by, without even a backwards glance,
Isn’t that such a bummer?

This world is perfect,
As you can see.
What possible change,
Should there be?!

Yet, my picture isn’t the same,
As someone down the block.
They see something quite different,
They may even see someone changing a lock!

‘A picture says a thousand words’,
As the saying goes.
Check it out! You’d be amazed!
Take it from someone who knows!

It’s just outside the window,
Not far from you at all.
You can even stand on a chair,
If you’re just not that tall.

It’s worth it to see,
This creation that G-d made somehow.
It won’t be the same tomorrow,
Or even an hour from now!

The world is a gift - don't miss a second of it!
The World Is A Gift - Don't Miss A Second Of It!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pesha Leah Roetter-Azoulay OB"M

Pesha Leah Roetter - Azoulay OB"M
Each day she changed the world for the better
She lived 23 beautiful years
Hashem took her from us via a car accident
Achdus in the world was her life-goal

Learning and Davening were constantly recited by her
Every Mitzvah was precious in her eyes
A smile was always on her lips
Her motto was: "Ashrainu - How Fortunate!"

Running always to help another Jew
Our people suffered a great loss with her passing
Each moment of her life, she was preparing the world for Moshiach
The Rebbe & Rebbetzen were her mentors, and she was a mentor for others
Taught many the ways of Hashem
Everlasting in our memories, she will be
Rose amongst the thorns; Redemption is very near

Life Vs. Death

T.T.T.O. It Happened Yom Kippur

The birds keep chirping, the sun keeps shinning,
Fish keep splashing, flowers still blossom.
O' how can nature keep going on this way,
When my life is dimming each day?!

How can it be such a beautiful day,
When my world has gone all dark and gray? x2

Someone just died,
Or tragedy struck.
And yet things go on,
Is it just me, or do I have bad luck?

And yet life keeps going on, and on, and on.
But this you must never forget:
Hashem gives us all the strength,
To pass this horrible test.

He always creates
The cure before the sickness.
Believe me,
This time is not at all different!

We must thank Hashem,
For the good as well as the bad.
Whether you're an old man,
Or just a young lad.

Although death does happen,
Nature does not stop.
Hashem feels your pain,
And collects all of your tear drops.

The Redemption IS coming!
It's on its way.
We just need to make the best,
Out of every day!!