Monday, November 23, 2015

The Red Pen Oath

            Throughout my life, I have been the “Class Nerd”, the “Bookworm”, or the horrid “Teacher’s Pet”. Thus I was constantly picked on and bullied. My classmates taunted me for picking up a pen instead of a bat; for reading while they were dribbling. They harassed me for talking about authors while they discussed athletes.
            While they threw me in the figurative (and, on quite a few occasions, literal) mud, I had those who picked me up, cleaned me, and handed me back my dreams: Teachers. For you see, many can “teach”, but it takes a special person to BE a teacher. Someone who will never stop encouraging you; who will keep tabs on your career to date; who look forward to seeing your name in print. Thankfully, I had, and have, many such teachers to this very day.
            In twenty-four days I will leave Oakland Community College with my Associate in Liberal Arts degree and enter the doors of Oakland University’s College of Arts and Science for a Bachelor in English. Yet, I hope to return to OCC as an English Professor armed with an empty notebook and the infamous ‘Red Pen’. But the pen doesn’t have to evil; true teachers use it to write encouraging notes to their students. And that is what my pen will only spell.
            And to those who bully nerds, I have just one thing to say to you: I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you will never have the privilege to fight dragons, to collaborate with aliens, to become Sacagawea; to be the town’s hero. May you one day let someone turn the page of your story together with you.

            The following is my rendition of the “Red Pen Oath” of a teacher:

The Red Pen Oath
May I take a child and turn him into his dream,
Mold him carefully only into the shape that he requests,
Lift him up when others shove him down,
Love him like a son.

I vow to use my pen of red to only spell encouragement,
To write bits of devotion in the margins,
Underline the greatness and circle the potential,
Highlight his passion for the world to see.

May I stay awake at night feeling the pains of my student,
Heal the worries out of his heart,
Cry tears of joy at his success,
Guide him on the path of truth.

I vow to never give up on a difficult pupil,
To patiently repeat lessons as needed,
To grade exams by the student never by the answers,
To give him endless worlds of opportunities.

May I begin every lesson with a smile,
End each with the same,
Compliment each child personally when he enters,
And bid goodbye with words of hope.

I vow to view each pupil like the diamond that he is,
To never allow administration or parents to warp his creativity,
To protect him from the playground bullies,
And help him shine forever more.

May I do more than present lesson plans,
To live a 9-5 job,
To leave my students within the confines of the classroom,
To look at them as paychecks.

I vow to follow the path of my pupil,
Even long after he leaves my care,
For he will remain forever in my roster,
Just like a red pen’s ink is permanently displayed.

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