Sunday, November 1, 2015

To The One Who Made Me An Uncle

Dedicated in honor of the Bas Mitzvah of my dear niece Devorah Sarah Kriegsman

Twelve years ago,
you entered this world,
and changed

You turned a Bride & Groom
into Mommy & Tatty;
A couple
into a family;
Proud Parents
into prouder Grandparents;
Brothers and Sisters
into eager Uncles and Aunts.

You touched lives
With your
Itty fingers
and huge

You grew from a baby
to a child
to a girl
and now
into a

You have grown in ways
that have made everyone
near you glow with pride.

You are a
Bas Melech:
the King’s
beloved daughter;
on her pathway
to becoming the next Queen.

I don’t say it often,
Perhaps not even show it enough,
But I love you dearly,
My dear Devorah Sarah.

May you always
continue to be
True to yourself
and show the world
the power of a Princess.

I hope this special day
Brings you a step closer
to changing the world;
one beloved smile,
one heart filled hug,
at a time.

Keep growing,
Keep yearning,
Keep proving,
Keep bringing pride
the world that you changed
Twelve years ago.

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