T.T.T.O. Ayom V'Norah - Miami Boys Choir-Yavoh

This song is dedicated in tribute to all of the recent tragedies Klall Yisroel has been receiving these past few years.
Hashem, why have you
made so many tragedies
these past few years,
for Klall Yisroel??
Hashem you make
so many tests of faith.
And then you wonder
why we fail!!
You have taken,
only the very best.
And then you wonder why
we have no one to guide us?!
Chorus #1 (x2):
Ad Mosai, Ad Mosai,
Until When?
Ad Mosai, Ad Mosai,
Please stop all of this!
Bring the Geulah
right away!
And stop all of this horrible, pointless pain!
{End of Chorus #1}
Why do you make it
so very difficult?
When will you reveal
your eternal plan??
Does this really
make it better for you;
the fact that we suffer
because we're Jews??
Oh why do you do this?
Is it really so necessary?
Why cant you just bring
Moshiach already?!
Chorus #1
Chorus #2:
So Hashem,
please we beg:
Stop all of this,
right away!
Turn these tragedies,
into Simcha!
Bring Moshiach
right away!
Right away!
{End of Chorus #2}
Please let us dance
with Moshiach today!
Let your glory fill the world;
Not with sadness,
but with JOY!!
Chorus #1
Chorus #2
Ad Mosai,
Until When?