T.T.T.O. Forever - Shloime Dachs
Adar Marbim B'Simchah
What do those words truly mean?
How can you really be happy?
Is it possible,
with the Galus we are in?
Will we ever be able to smile,
or have we been condemned to cry??
In the past,
You saved the ancestors with love;
yet You wipe out their own children
with Your very own hand!
What do You want?
How much more can we possibly take?
Is this Adar going to be
60 days of tears?!
{Chorus #1:}
Hashem, Hashem
let it be tears of joy!
Let the graggers be
the sounds of Moshiach Now!
Oh' Hashem, Hashem
please turn this tzarah
into true simchah.
It's up to You - What will You choose?
Choose Wisely!
{End Of Chorus #1}
{Chorus #2:}
"Hafachti Mispidi
L'Mochol Li"
Turn my mourning
into dancing on
this very day! (this very day!)
"Hafachta Mispidi L'Mochol Li"
Turn my tears into those of joy;
and bring Moshiach, today....
Yes today! (right away!)
{End Of Chorus #2}
Father dear,
Where have You been this whole year?
Oh' how can You let
Your children suffer cruelly?
Oh' Hashem
where have You gone?
Why did You neglect us so?
Well, please don't turn away!
And make it Marbim B'SIMCHAH!We don't want
this tzarah anymore!
Oh no, just take it away!
You can
make up for the damage You have done.
By bringing Moshiach and TRUE simchah,
and MORE than 60 days of joy!!
{Chorus #1,2}
{Chorus #2 (x2)}