Being as I had nowhere else to go, I said, “Sure. Why not?”
The school year started off great, but that did not last long. To be honest, I don’t know how it happened; things just kept unraveling. Once, twice, three times I went to New York with my return questionable. Countless fall-outs occurred between the staff and me. Then as quickly as the issues came, they all disappeared. By a miracle, I ended the year on a good note; I decided to come back this year.
The school year started a little shaky, with the events of the year before still etched deeply in my mind. Thank G-d the year has gone smoothly. Now, entering the final stretch of the year, I am getting ready to graduate high school - something that back in 2010 I never thought would happen.
Rabbi O, you gave me a brother my entire family is proud of, and you gave me a new look at life. Regardless of everything that occurred between us, I sit here, with tears forming in my eyes, as I think of all of the hows, the whys, and the times that we have shared, both good and bad. You gave me chances I never deserved, and you refused to give up on me. I have never seen people more dedicated to chinuch than you and your sons Moishe & Zalmi. I know it’s not enough, but all I can say is thank you - for EVERYTHING.
Moishe, Zalmi, I made your jobs needlessly stressful. I know “I’m sorry” does not suffice, but I truly apologize for all that I have done or said to you. The two of you shook me up when I needed it, and all I can hope is that if, G-d forbid, I need another shake, you will be the ones to do it. You put all you can into the students, and I was a fool for not realizing it sooner…
Mrs. Geller and the entire staff of Trocki High School for Boys, you really changed me. You all gave me an education that I could never have received elsewhere. I truly appreciate it.
To my fellow classmates, living with you—some one year, others two—has been a remarkable experience for me. Each and every one of you has taught me something I would have missed out on if I were not here. You helped me when I was down, and gave me reasons to get back up. You all are family to me. Thanks for all you have done!
Avi Slutzkin and Rabbi Amzalak, to hear someone is very simply done; to listen to someone is very uncommon. The two of you listened. A lot. You each helped me pass very difficult stages in my life, and for that alone I am boundlessly grateful. You each gave me advice for how to do it and the necessary courage to fulfill it. It meaning anything I put my mind to.
Pesha Leah, my dear sister, thank you for everything you taught me and the help and encouragement you have provided me with from up above. May your neshama have one aliya after another.
Moshe Daniel, although we were not in this world at the same time, I have always felt like I know you. You were my first mentor, and someone I knew I could always turn to. Your day and a half on this world managed to teach me so much about everything real. Since my early childhood, I had a strange inkling that you were more than just with me; that I had a section of your very soul within mine. If, somehow, you are living your life through me all I can pray is that I am doing enough, and that someday, very soon, you will be able to live it for yourself once again.
To the Rebbe, thank you for the advice and spiritual guidance you constantly provide me with.
To my beloved mother and dearest siblings [whether blood-related or action-related], no matter what was going on in my life you weren’t there for me; you were there with me. Whether it was advice, love, or even scolding, you did everything humanly possible to be a part of my life - no matter what stage I was in. I know I don’t say it often enough, but I love you each dearly and I’m beyond lucky to have a family like you. You each, in your own way, make it clear that family is family - and you are with me on whatever path I choose to take.
So here I am getting ready to graduate. However, in reality it is not I who am graduating, but all of you. If it weren’t for all of you combined who knows where I would be - but it definitely would not be here. You each made me who I am today. I would not have reached this milestone if even one of you were not in my life.
Therefore, with all of my heart, I would like to wish you Mazel Tov on OUR graduation.