The little candle in the darkness whispers its silent message,
You can change the world, it says, you can be like me.
With just a tiny touch, I can ignite a flame;
Spreading my light and warmth all around.
Although I’m in darkness, I can see far,
For my light shines much greater in the darkest of times.
I can give to so many, without losing my glory,
If anything it adds to my name.
I’m known far and wide, to be of much use,
Yet in the wrong hands I take lives.
It’s up to me what I will do,
If I must I will flicker and die.
I always try to leap upwards, knowing it will put out my light,
I don’t care – I wish to be closer to G-d.
When I am used to brighten your Shabbos,
My very essence dances with joy.
I may be small and of not much help,
Yet I can still stand tall and proud.
Do what it takes, darkness only strengthens you,
You can shine bright if you dare.
Take my message to heart, I do ask,
I know you can be just like me.
All it takes is the courage to stand
And shine on through the night.
You may be just one, but that’s all you need,
To make a difference; to be a guide in the night.
I may be just a candle in the night, but I can never be extinguished,
My name is Pintele Yid you see.
People will try to suffocate me, to put me out for good,
But I stay strong and do not give up, no matter how hard they try.
You can change the world; you just have to believe,
That one little flame can spark a fire.
Never give up, shine on, try to get closer to G-d,
it will take leaps, and won’t be easy, but you must never give in.
I will always be here, right in your heart,
Helping you leap through the dark.

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