Tuesday, May 5, 2015


[Published by the Oakland Community College Blog, May 5, 2015: https://oaklandcc.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/i-am-occ/]

            On Friday, May 01, 2015, I was OCC. Not just as a student, but as a student leader. As a representation of everything my school stands for. I was Rudy the Raider.
            Not too long after I joined Oakland Community College, I became involved with Hillel of Metro Detroit. During the past few years, I have become more and more involved with Student Life on OCC campuses and within a year I found myself becoming the new president of the Jewish Student Organization on campus (a branch of HMD).
            Although I had my hands filled with classes, I did my best to bring a new vibe to the organization and to Student Life in general. I found myself planning events like the Anti-Bullying Dance Day in November, and a Multi-Faith Panel in February. I gathered contacts with various professors, faculty members, students, and people from the community. I was working towards creating a legacy to leave behind when I must say goodbye to OCC’s doors this coming December.
            I had never expected it all to pay off so soon. Thursday afternoon, I was walking past Dean Hawkins’ office and he stopped me to chat for a bit. As he used to be the Student Life Coordinator at the Orchard Ridge campus, he knew me by now and I had kept up the relationship even after he switched positions.
            After asking how my classes went, he asked if I would like to the school a favor and be the mascot the following morning at a pep rally for high school students deciding on their colleges; a Detroit Signing Day. He informed me that the event will be honored with a guest appearance by First Lady Michelle Obama. Naturally, I accepted this immense honor and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It was the most memorable day of my college experience to date.
            Student Life on campus is a thriving program, full of huge opportunities. Whether it be student clubs where you meet your new best friend, or a chance to star in your school’s new commercial, or bringing a difference to the students you pass in the hallway. It helps you learn how to become a leader in a world filled with followers. It provides ways to help you relax from classroom pressures, and shows you that you do not always have to come to school just to listen to lectures.

            The more involved you become, the more chances you will receive to give back to your school; to show your love and support of a college that goes out of its way to make you feel special on a daily basis. On Friday I was OCC; tomorrow it could be you.

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