Thursday, August 20, 2015

One Can Always Change A GPS

I have often wondered in my mind if it would be worthwhile.
I often contemplate if I made the right decision.
I sometimes wonder what the other outcome may have been.
I tend to think if it needs a regret.

Should I have gone down this path?
Should I have traveled that road?
Should I have rushed my destination?
Should I have waited just a bit more?

People often think in the past,
deciding if it should be redone.
People often worry about the future,
Will the consequences be worth it all?

We must believe in ourselves,
if we ever want to succeed.
We must have faith in our guts,
if we truly wish to travel the map of Life.

Nothing can change the past,
But we can still make a better tomorrow.
Nothing can take back the way we journeyed,
But we can still reroute our guide.

Monday, August 17, 2015



Sunday, August 16, 2015

What Am I NOT?

Science gave up hope long ago.
The doctors said there will be no twin.
My parents prayed and hoped.
G-d proved he runs the world.
A 2.1 pound child entered this world.
I am... a MIRACLE

My dad was never there for me.
Seemed to despise his children.
Memories of unpleasantries remain.
Siblings stuck together.
Proved we don't need him in our lives.
I am... STRONG

Raised by a single mom.
She saw me through my education to date.
Created an immense family for myself.
Have siblings who would do anything in a heartbeat for me.
Never truly alone.
I am... LOVED

At fifteen my life shattered.
A dear sister passed away.
Time has gone on by.
I will never forget.
I have remained true to myself.
I am... a SURVIVOR.

Was going to attempt.
Realized I have much to still live for.
Got on the subway instead of the tracks.
Rode the train of life instead of getting off.
Decided to always keep my ticket on hand.
I am... BRAVE

Named for King David.
Orthodox is how I was raised.
Shabbat is so special to me.
Israel is my home country.
Proudly show my religion on college campus.
I am... a JEW

Books have always engulfed me.
Words become my voice.
Stories become alive in my mind.
Thoughts take on creation via pen.
Ink on paper is my bloodline.
I am... a WRITER

I once thought I was going to be different.
Used to see a different future.
Realize now that the above defines who I am.
People's expectations aren't what makes me me.
I forever choose my own pathway.
I am... DOVID

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Night Grows Younger As It Ends

The hour chimes once more on my wristwatch,
as the sky blackens before my eyes.
Laying in bed thoughts flood my mind,
as a tear or two rolls down my cheek.

Memories begin to fill the void,
no matter how hard I try to repress them.
Her laughter echoes in the night's deathly silence;
her smile shines like the incoming dawn.

"Dovid, my brother" her voice does sigh,
as she stretches out her hand to me.
"Let me take you back one more time,
put away your clock and recall our adventures."

Together we fight the time stream,
we end up in November of 2009.
I look up the women's balcony once again,
as she keeps encouraging me to dance my heart away.

"Have me in mind when you dance with this Torah,
as the Holtzbergs were so dear to me.
Have me in mind for you can do what I am not able,
when you dance for me I will always be with you my dear brother."

I want to keep dancing for my sister,
for then the daybreak can't come.
I need to keep dancing for my sister,
for then the daybreak doesn't come.

I will keep dancing for my sister,
for then the daybreak won't ever come.
I'll never stop dancing for my sister,
for the daybreak mustn't ever come.